Essay on Telephone | 300, 500 and 600 Words

Essay on Telephone | 300, 500 and 600 Words

Essay on Telephone

In all the inventions made by science today, the telephone has an important place. In this way, science has been given only on the study, contemplation and imitation of mantras, tantras and instruments of our ancient times. Just as the sages and sages of our ancient times used to talk to whomever they wanted with the power of their mantras.

Similarly, today we can have any kind of conversation with far-flung areas through telephone. From this you also get the experience of joy. The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.

There are many benefits of telephone. Through the telephone, we get the news of our office sitting at home in our absence. Through telephone, if a student is unable to reach the school due to any reason, then he can telephone a friend's house to get the news about what the teacher has taught or given homework on a particular day.

By telephone, we can understand the situation of an accident area or by telephone from an acquaintance of that place, from which it is appropriate for us to go there or not or when it is appropriate and for how long. Telephone is the only means through which we can easily get the public relations of every area.

Telephone invented by Graham Bell is an essential part of our life. Without it our life might look lame and blind. Although science has provided us with various types of facilities, but the telephone facility is very important among all the facilities. It has given life to all classes.

Today, whether it is a business class or a teacher class, a politician or a employed person or a common person doing any business, everyone has a great need for telephone.

Science has provided us with different types of transport and means of travel to end the distance of our travel. With their help, we can finish the journey of hours and days in a few minutes, but with the help of telephone we can not reach in years or where it seems impossible for our power to reach there in a few minutes conversation.

Forget about this inconvenience by contacting us. That's why the telephone is such a convenient science-provided tool for us. Through this, all our work, whether it is the army, whether it is the police, ministry, country or abroad, etc. get contacts.

The advantage of the telephone is that it gives speed, energy and speed to our work and effect. As soon as we get the news from the telephone or as soon as we get any contact, we start taking steps to take action related to it. As soon as the telephone arrives, we start paying our attention to the telephone after spreading all the work.

In this way the telephone proves to be important for all our work and life processes. In this way we see that the telephone is a very convenient tool for us, affecting every part of our life.

To understand the importance of telephone, we can say that just as it is not possible to run any small business including any factory or industry due to lack of electricity, in the same way, in the absence of telephone, we have any kind of contact.

Today is impossible and extremely difficult. Therefore, the importance of telephone is the most from every scientific achievements in terms of convenience.

The great convenience that a telephone has, there is no less inconvenience than that. Because if the telephone line is disconnected or there is any disturbance in the telephone, then we cannot get any contact from the telephone in any way.

Similarly, when we do a telephone call, if the wrong number is found. So for some time they wander in search of the right number. One of the biggest inconveniences of the telephone is that sometimes the telephone comes untimely.

When the telephone comes at twelve o'clock in the night, very early in the morning or while studying or doing any conversation, then it causes great inconvenience to us. We get upset and it comes to mind that if the telephone is not there, then it is good.

In this way, where the telephone gives us inconveniences, it also provides more facilities than that, which is the main reason for its popularity.

Anish Kumar Tiwari

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