Poverty is such a painful condition where man is helpless and helpless for everything. He is unable to get the three essential things of the world. That is food, clothing and housing. They do not get enough food even after working the whole day. They do not have a roof to protect them from the hot sun and heavy rain.
In winter, they do not even have clothes to cover their bodies. Poor families are unable to get education for their children. Due to lack of education, their mental development does not take place. They have no power to think. Due to not getting enough food, their physical development is not possible.
The increasing population of the country every day is the main reason for increasing "poverty". The government does not have so many schemes that it can provide things like houses, food and education to all the people of the country.
The higher the population, the less all kinds of facilities and resources. Due to population growth, life is not less than hell for those who are living in poor or even lower level.
Unemployment has increased so much in the country that many people do not even have a job to do. If there are so many people in the country then obviously it is difficult for everyone to get a job. Even small jobs are getting extinct nowadays. Unemployment is increasing poverty.
When natural calamities occur, the poorest people are affected the most. There is no one to save the poor. There are some people who help them through NGOs to improve the condition of the poor.
In some places, free education is being provided to poor children. This is not available to all the poor. The condition of the people living below the poverty line is more pathetic.
The government is trying its best to eradicate poverty, but a lot still remains to be done. Poverty is a major obstacle in the progress of the country. No popular government has been successful in eradicating poverty.
The government has tried to provide free education to the children, gas facility etc. But there are still thousands of things to do. Poor children often see children from affluent families going to school. Watching them do sports. But unfortunately his life is not like this.
Poverty and lack of money keep the poor family away from every basic necessities. Studying in a good school remains a dream for poor children. Even getting bread for two times to poor people becomes a crooked kheer.
Poor families are unable to buy books and toys for their children. Family and children do not get good balanced and nutritious food. In such a situation, their mental and physical development is not possible.
Poor families give birth to many children without thinking and also increase their difficulties themselves. In such a situation, to earn a little money at home, they put their children to work from childhood. Often small children are made to work in tea shops and industries. This leads to problems like child labour.
Poverty has become very common in the country. They are forced to live in small huts around the roads. A large part of the country's population is helpless to survive without clothes, bread and houses. His pitiable condition is reflected in his eyes. No one respects them and they are despised everywhere.
It is the irony of the country that there are so many rich people on one side and poor people on one hand who have only dry bread to eat.
No human wants to suffer on the day of poverty. Poor person is never able to get the essential facilities of life like food and house due to lack of money. You get some money by working hard day and night, but that too is not enough. Children from poor family are unable to lead a good life like other children.
The main reason for poverty is the corruption and illiteracy prevalent in the country. Corrupt politicians make many false promises to get votes and never give their dues to the poor. Many schemes are made for their upliftment. But many of those plans remain just to say.
Poor people are found on the roadside like animals. Due to lack of proper nutrition and food, their mental condition is also not healthy. Rich people have so much money and poor people don't even have a roti to eat. The country will never be able to progress due to such inequality.
To eradicate poverty, good facilities should be given to the farmers so that they can progress in the agriculture sector. Nepal is an agricultural country, yet farmers leave agriculture and migrate to cities. Coming to the cities, their condition gets worse. That's how he makes his living. Poverty is increasing even in cities. The poor should be given free education and training so that they get employment opportunities.
To reduce poverty, it is necessary to make the family aware about family planning. The more families in which the members are less, the less problems will be faced by the poor people. With this, the growing population of the country can be stopped.
It is necessary to implement one rule in the country. That is the right to education for all children. The children of the poor should also get the same right to study as everyone gets. If the population is less then people will get more employment opportunities and we will be able to eradicate the poverty which has been going on for centuries in the country.
In Conclusion, Poverty is a national problem. The government has to adopt a more effective method for poverty alleviation. The government made many efforts to eradicate poverty, but no significant result has been achieved.
It is necessary to eradicate the issues like bad economy, corruption and lack of education in the country in time, only then we will be able to wipe the tears of poor people and eradicate their helplessness.
Such positive efforts will have to be made that the poor also get the same opportunities, basic things and respect in the society as the common man.