Essay on Noise Pollution - A critically explained essay

Essay on Noise Pollution - A critically explained essay

Noise pollution

Man has got the boon of nature that he can speak. He has an advanced language of his own. He can talk in that language. Can understand or exchange ideas. On the strength of the gift of nature and the acquisition of language, man can hum. The voice can sing in rhythm. Can cry and cry when wanted and needed.

Thus according to the time and situation man has to listen to the sounds of himself and other human beings like himself. Hearing such sounds in general cannot be called harmful in any way. Naturally it would be said.

In addition to the sounds of humans, there are also some sounds heard in nature and in the natural environment. The chirping of birds, the rumbling of leaves, the glide or flow of the stream, the roaring of clouds and seas, etc. These types of sounds are considered as natural music and they are naturally enjoyed.

But who likes it when the clouds roar with melodious voices, the ocean roars with high waves, and the thunder in the clouds starts tearing the curtains of the ears? Similarly, when a person starts singing or talking by shouting. Even if you want to terrify everyone by roaring, it still has a bad effect on the ears. They start bursting.

When earthquake comes and the earth starts shaking and bursting with thunder, then even though it is a natural business, no one likes it. Due to this type of natural sound-disorders, there is a fear of bursting of the eardrum and the person becoming deaf. The effect of these frightening sounds is actually called noise pollution. Whether it is spread by natural or by humans, it is not considered good at all.

Nowadays, at every step, we have to deal with many different types of rumbling sounds. Let go of the sounds that are echoed and heard on the streets, bazaars. It will be heard only after coming out of the house, but nowadays many times a person is unable to sit quietly in his house. Even there, the sounds heard from all around remain a challenge to his eardrums and hearing power.

Whether you are sitting quietly, reciting your worship, or reading something, you are doing some domestic talk amongst yourself that some tape recorder somewhere in the neighborhood reverberates in a loud voice, tearing the curtains of the ears, do it now Worship text.

Read and write important domestic conversations! It's all done. When it is not possible for you to hear your own voice because of that echoing tape recorder, how will others listen? How can the mind be engaged in worshiping or reading and writing.

You have to take the exam in the morning, you are preparing for an interview, you all go to hell. The player just has to entertain his mind. You have to recite the song of your favorite even if you don't want to.

Now if you go and say that play slowly, then you do not know what the answer is. This is not your home, you are playing in the house, you don't listen. Close your ears and doors. What is your take in this?

Now who can explain to such good human beings that this is a kind of noise pollution. This can harm the hearing power of others as well as your own hearing power. The increasing disease of deafness is proof of this, but not. They don't have to understand.

Expanding their Bhajan Kirtan, etc. by running loudspeakers by temples, mosques, gurudwaras, Jagrans, Kirtan congregations is also a very harmful cause of noise pollution. Although legally doing so is a taboo and punishable offense by setting up tents in the streets and playing loudspeakers in loud voices, but who stops whom? Religion comes in the way. So the poor law-keepers also remain unheard.

In addition to all this, the horns of motors, buses, cars, scooters etc, their wheels moving in a hurry, the running trains and their high whistles, the chugs of factories yesterday and the wheels of machines making their torso Oops! How much noise is there because of all this?

At times, one has to be compelled to put his hands on the ears. We have to find even cotton wool to put in our ears, and all kinds of noises echoing around us keep troubling and troubling us. In this way, like other types of pollution today, noise pollution has been plagued.

Noise pollution is not only harmful for the hearing power of the ears, it has also been proved to rob the peace of body and mind. Due to its excessive noise pollution, many times, by creating tension in the subtle nerve fibers of the person, it disturbs sleep. Noise pollution also makes people irritable and intolerant.

Noise pollution can cause or cause many other types of physical mental diseases. Due to all these reasons, the person who keeps chattering all the time by those who live in a solitary and quiet environment is not considered good. In such a situation, for the sake of our own interest, we should do as much as possible to live in a quiet environment in a calm and silent mood.

Anish Kumar Tiwari

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