Essay on Environmental Pollution | Long Essay on Pollution

Essay on Environmental Pollution | Long Essay on Pollution

Essay on Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is the curse of nature which is caused by human beings. Humans have created an imbalance in nature, due to which the wrath of nature is visible in the form of pollution. In today's time man is neither getting pure food nor is getting pure water and air. Even a quiet environment is not available to live in. These elements of nature get polluted due to the mixing of pollutants in water, air.

Types Of Pollution –

1. Air Pollution

Due to the presence of pollutants in the air, the air becomes polluted. This air has an adverse effect on human health. Toxic smoke from factories gets mixed into the air. It is the main cause of air pollution. Smoke from vehicles is also responsible for air pollution.

2. Water Pollution

The impure water and chemical substances coming out of factories together with the water of rivers and sea pollute it. Drinking this polluted water causes many serious diseases.

3. Noise Pollution

The noise emanating from the machinery of factories is responsible for noise pollution. Excessive vehicular noise also creates noise pollution. This causes deafness and stress in humans.

4. Soil Pollution

Soil pollution occurs due to the mixing of pollutants in the soil. Nowadays, pesticides are sprayed in agriculture to increase crop production. Pesticides destroy the fertility of the soil.

Causes Of Pollution

The widespread and most important cause of pollution is man-made. Human beings are exploiting nature excessively in the race of modernity. This is causing depletion of natural resources. The resources which are left are also getting polluted due to pollution.

The main cause of pollution is toxic smoke and chemical substances coming out of factories yesterday. Both this smoke in the air and chemical substances get polluted due to mixing in the water.

Increasing vehicles in cities is also a cause of pollution. Excessive vehicles increase traffic and increase the toxic fumes emitted from them, which causes air pollution. Noise pollution is also caused by excessive noise of vehicles. Loudspeakers and factory sirens also increase noise pollution.

Indiscriminate cutting of trees is also increasing pollution. The natural balance is disturbed due to depleting forests. One of the reasons for the huge increase in noise pollution and air pollution is also the felling of trees.

Volcanoes, floods, earthquakes also cause air and water pollution. Nuclear explosion tests also increase air pollution. Radioactive materials are mixed in the air from nuclear tests.

Increasing population is also a reason for increasing pollution. Increasing population is also the reason for the increase of noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution.

Effects of Pollution

Pollution has widespread side effects. Everything in nature is getting distorted due to pollution.

Natural imbalances arise from air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. The expansion of desert land and the decreasing greenery are the effects of pollution.

Pollution causes many types of epidemics that make humans and animals sick. Pollution is also responsible for the declining health of humans. Air pollution spreads respiratory diseases. Noise pollution increases deafness and stress.

Water pollution pollutes the water of rivers and seas. This affects aquatic organisms. Many aquatic species have been destroyed by this. Bathing in this contaminated water can lead to skin diseases. Drinking polluted water also invites many diseases.

Due to the addition of pollutants in the fertile land, that land becomes barren. Spraying of pesticides in the soil also causes soil pollution.

The temperature of the earth is continuously increasing due to pollution. Air pollution is also the cause of the hole in the ozone layer. The melting of glaciers has increased the water level.

Measures to Stop Pollution How To Control Pollution

Pollution is difficult to eliminate but it can be reduced by taking some measures.

Pollution prevention measures can reduce pollution to a great extent. All countries have to come together to stop pollution. Strict rules have to be made to stop pollution.

Global warming is also a problem which is getting more serious due to increasing pollution. To deal with this, it is necessary to stop air pollution.

Social awareness can also be a good solution. People should be made aware of the serious dangers of environmental pollution. It is our responsibility and duty to protect the environment.

The problem of pollution can also be overcome through education. Children should be made aware about the environment in the school syllabus. The importance of nature should be mandatory in the education of children.

Measures should be taken to prevent the smoke and chemical substances coming out of factories from getting into the air and water. Pollution standards should be fixed.

More and more trees should be planted, which can get rid of the problem of pollution. Planting a tree is like earning a reward.

We ourselves pollute the environment and spread uncleanliness. It is our duty to maintain cleanliness. Cleanliness gives a better life. Garbage is dumped everywhere. This waste mixes with the water and pollutes it. The pollutants of the waste mix in the air and pollute it.

Conclusion - Essay on Population

It is our responsibility to maintain the beauty of the earth. It is our duty to make the earth pollution free. It is our responsibility to maintain the balance of nature. We ourselves are responsible for spreading pollution and it is also up to us to reduce it. In the essay on pollution, it is our responsibility to give information about the causes, effects and measures to prevent pollution.

Anish Kumar Tiwari

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