What is the Full Form of BBA LLB ? - Are you studying in +2 and want to be a corporate lawyer ? Are you thinking of being a corporate lawyer ? If yes then BBA LLB is best course for being a corporate lawyer. You can do BBA LLB course after +2 from any faculty.
Before getting admission in BBA LLB, you have to know about What is the Full Form of BBA LLB ? What jobs can I get after studying BBA LLB ? If you don't know about it, it's ok. Just read this post, you will get all information relating to BBA LLB in this post.
In this post you will also know about BBA LLB Full Form, is there any College in Nepal which offers BBA LLB course in Nepal, Fees of BBA LLB, Jobs/Careers after studying BBA LLB.
BBA LLB Full Form : What is the Full Form of BBA LLB ?
The Full Form of BBA LLB is Bachelor in Business Administration and Bachelor in Law. BBA LLB is a 5 years course of Law. BBA LLB Course is the combination of two different courses i.e. BBA and LLB
Bachelor in Bussiness Administration and Bachelor in Law = Bachelor in Bussiness Administration + Bachelor in Law
BBA LLB stands for Bachelor in Bussiness Administration and Bachelor in Law. I hope that you must have heard about Bachelor in Bussiness Administration (BBA) which is a 4 years course done after +2 with commerce and science faculty and Bachelor in Law (LLB) which is also a 3 years course done after Bachelor in any faculty.
BBA LLB is an 5 years integrated course which is mixed of BBA and LLB to produce the necessary manpower in the field of law and corporate legal sectors to develop and reform legal system of Nepal.
BBA LLB is not introduced in Nepal till now but BBA LLB is being taught in foreign countries like India, Myanmar, Pakistan and others. Tribhuwan Uiversity (TU) is preparing to introduce BBA LLB in Nepal as soon as possible. BBA LLB is same as BALLB but the difference between these two us just in BALLB the subjects of BA and Law is taught but in BBA LLB, the subject of BBA and Law is taught.
Qualifications for Studying BBA LLB Course
A person who wants to study BBA LLB then he/she have to pass the entrance exam taken by university and college. But just passing the entrance exam is not enough to get admission. He/she must bring highest marks in the entrance exam because admission in done on the basis of merit list.
Jobs/ Careers after studying BBA LLB
Everyone study for getting a good jobs and make their life beautiful. You may be also thinking of what should you study to earn more money and live a standard life. If you are studying BBA LLB or want to study BBA LLB then there is a question in your mind that what jobs you will get after studying BBA LLB ? Now your question will get answer. To get your answer keep on reading this post.
There are many jobs which you can get after studying BBA LLB but I have discussed some important jobs which you can get after studying BBA LLB :-
1. You can work as Lawyer/advocate
2. You can work as government attorney
3. You can work in NGO/INGO
4. You can become Judge after passing Judicial Service Examination
5. You can work as Legal Advisor in any company
6. You can work as corporate lawyer easily because you have a good knowledge of bussiness after studying BBA LLB.
Note:- Nepal is just converted in federal country. As being federal country, Nepal is divided into 7 Province and 427 Local Level. In each local level a lawyer or legal advisor is required. Therefore there is also a bright future fir those who are studying BBA LLB. They can easily get jobs.
We have also seen that when Judicial Service Commission conduct exam then a lot of seats are not fulfilled because of lacking law background candidate. Therefore we can say there is a lot of chance to get jobs after studying BBA LLB.
There is no college in Nepal which offers BBA LLB Course.
In this post you have got information about what is the Full Form of BBA LLB, what is BBA LLB Course, Who can study BBA LLB and what jobs you get after studying BBA LLB. If you found this information helpful then don't forget to share it with your friends. Thank you for reading this post.
Read This Also :- What is the full form of BALLB ?