In a simple sense, the body that implements the laws is called the executive. Today it is used in both a limited and a broad sense. The welfare nature of modern states has also merged the bureaucracy with the executive.
In a limited sense, the head of the state and its cabinet are called the executive. In the broad sense, the executive also includes the administrative organs involved in implementing the policy.
Function of executive
1. Administrative functions of the executive
The executive takes all administrative and policy decisions for the smooth running of the administration. The executive appoints employees and officers to important posts to implement the laws made by the Legislature.
The executive also establishes all the necessary departments to run the administration. The executive also makes own control over all departments for maintaining direction and supervision.
In parliamentary countries, the executive has to perform its administrative functions more efficiently. In these, administrative functions are performed based on collective responsibility by an organization called the cabinet.
Whereas in presidential countries, the head of state, being the real executive, is the authorized administrator of the entire administration. He has control over the appointments and administrative officers in all the important departments. The real control of the executive remains over the administration within the country.
2. Conduct of Foreign Policy
Today's era is an era of international interdependence. It is the compulsion of every nation to maintain trade and diplomatic relations with other countries.
After the threat of nuclear war has arisen, the importance of foreign relations has increased even more. These functions are now carried out by the hands of the executive.
Appointment of ambassadors for the conduct of foreign policy abroad, reception of foreign diplomats, representation of the country in international organizations and conferences, treaties and agreements to keep foreign relations consistent, conduct of cultural, educational, and business activities, and all the functions of control, etc. are the functions of the executive.
The executive has a great hand in achieving the national interest. Although the legislature also has some contribution to the conduct of foreign policy, it remains confined to a formality.
In wartime, the need for an active executive is felt more to give impetus to diplomatic relations. Both the President and the Prime Minister play an important role in the conduct of foreign policy in Nepal. In America, the President has an absolutely important authority in this work.
3. Functions related to the administration of the executive
In parliamentary countries, the work of administration is done by the legislature in collaboration with the executive. In presidential countries, this work is done independently by the legislature.
In the presidential and parliamentary government, the executive does the work of giving shape to the law. The executive plays an important role in every administration only in countries with a parliamentary system of government.
It is the executive who introduces the bill and gets it passed by the Parliament. The executive gets the right to make laws independently under its given administrative power. The executive can also issue ordinances in case the legislature is not in session.
4. Military functions of the executive
The right to organize and operate the military power of the country during war or peacetime is also in the hands of the executive.
The President is the real executive of the forces. President has the right to form armies, appoint military officers, dismiss, and lead the war. The president can also declare war for the sake of national honor or security.
In a parliamentary government, the President has to take permission from the cabinet or legislature. But in presidential government, the President has the right to conduct military work independently.
In times of war, the executive can also compel the residents of the country to render compulsory military service.
In this way, the President or the executive has the right to enforce military law and declare a state of emergency, whether it is formal or informal. The power of the executive increases manifold during war times.
In dictatorial countries, the executive has full authority over military work. Even in peacetime, the real control over the armies of the country rests with the executive, whether it is direct or indirect.
5. Financial functions of the executive
Today the executive also has some control over the finances of the country. The practical control over income and expenditure rests directly or indirectly on the executive.
In principle, this is the function of the legislature. In parliamentary countries, due to the majority of the executive getting a majority in the legislature, bills for imposing new taxes, or removing or reducing taxes are often introduced and passed by the executive.
There is a finance department under the executive for proper management of the national fund. The executive also controls the finances of each department. Even in a presidential government, the executive does not present the budget but prepares the budget under its supervision.
In America, the budget is prepared under the supervision of the President. In Nepal, the finance minister presents the budget. In this way, the executive also performs some financial functions.
6. Judicial functions of the executive
The judges of the Supreme Courts are appointed by the executive. The President of the executive has full power to waive or reduce the punishment of the offender.
Although this power is considered a sign of danger in democracy, today the authority of the judiciary is also exercised to some extent by the executive.
In Nepal, life imprisonment until the death sentence given by the Supreme Court can also be pardoned by the President or can be commuted to life imprisonment. This definitely undermines the power of the judiciary.
7. Policymaking
The most important function of the executive is policymaking. In a parliamentary government, the executive makes its policy and presents it to the Parliament.
In presidential government, it is the independent determinant of its policies. The executive determines the internal and external policy of the country and runs the government based on that. Implementation of policies is also the function of the executive.
8. Emergency functions of the executive
In emergency situations, the powers of the executive increase manifold. In the event of a military crisis, rebellion, external aggression, a threat to the security of the country, or economic crisis, the executive can exercise its emergency powers.
At such times, it can also suspend the fundamental rights of citizens and can also declare an economic emergency in the country. Due to these powers, the power of the legislature has started to decline.
9. Political functions of the executive
In every country, the political executive also performs some political work. These include representation, leadership, discussion, decision, supervision, and control, etc.
It is the executive who also coordinates and integrates the various institutional arrangements in the political society. It is also the function of the executive to represent and reconcile different interests.
The executive also does the work of giving leadership to the country and society. Decision-making is also the function of the executive under the given administration. Today, due to the decision-making role of the executive, there is an unprecedented increase in its powers.
10. Economic functions of the executive
Today's era is the era of welfare states. Today all the governments are compelled to work for the public interest. For this reason, through planning, efforts are made to make the plans of economic development successful.
The executive has complete control over this economic plan. Due to the control over the entire economic life of the country, the importance of the executive is also increasing.
The control of the executive has increased on subjects like trade, commerce, agriculture, and industry. Along with keeping control over income and expenditure, the executive also has control over the production and distribution system of economic resources.
Thus it can be said that in the modern era, the powers of the executive extend to every sphere of life. The responsibilities of the executive have increased in the form of welfare ideals of the state, national security, international responsibility, finance, lawmaking, conducting military works, administrative and diplomatic work, etc.
Today in every political system, from the conduct of foreign relations to the control of economic activities, there is an extension of the executive's jurisdiction.
Today, the executive has an important role to play in giving the benefits of right governance and speeding up economic development.
Today, the executive has an unprecedented role in keeping the political system dynamic in the form of constitutional, crisis, and political functions.