What are the functions of law in the society?

What are the functions of law in the society?

Functions of law

The law is a body of rules that regulates human behaviour and maintains peace and security in society. The law punishes criminals and provides justice to the victims. Society could be lame in the absence of law. Society cannot run smoothly without laws. The law is an instrument of social change and social development. The basic functions of law in society can be summarized in the following points:

Major Functions of Law in Society

1. Maintain peace and security: The law is made to maintain peace and security in society. The law prohibits and controls unnecessary activities that happen in society and maintains harmony in society. Criminal law prevents crime and criminal activities in society. Therefore, the law maintains peace and security.

2. To control human behaviour: The law determines the rights and duties of people to control human behaviour. If anyone violates the law, then he/she will be punished. So everyone has to obey the law and act accordingly. Holland says that law is a body of rules to control the external actions of humans. Austin also says that a law is a body of rules laid down by an intelligent human being for the guidance of another human being. Therefore, laws are made to regulate human behaviour.

3. To provide justice: As we know, the main aim of making laws is to provide justice to those who have been wrongly deprived of their rights. The law treats everyone equally and promotes justice and fairness in society. Justice is the end of the law. There is a popular saying that justice delayed is justice denied. It means delaying providing justice means providing no justice. So that law functions to provide justice fairly and quickly.

4. To provide equal opportunity for everyone: The law provides equal opportunity to everyone for participating in various jobs and services. Because it is the law to create a public service for conducting appropriate exams for the selection of the best and most capable person for government or public office.

5. To uplift poor or backward people: There are a lot of laws made for the benefit of poor and backward people. The law has provided special services and benefits to those who are economically poor and from backward areas. The law has provided quotas for government jobs for poor and backward people. The government has also provided free higher education to them. Therefore, the law helps to uplift poor or backward people.

6. To secure the rights of citizens: The law secures the rights of people and protects their rights from the encroachment of government. There are various rights of people secured by law, like constitutional rights, fundamental rights, legal rights, economic rights, health rights, and so on. Therefore, the law secures and protects the rights of people.

7. Limit the power of government: The law has also determined the power of government. What can the government and its organs do? All these things are explained by law. The government also cannot function against the law. The power of government for various labels is determined in Schedules 5 to 9 of the Constitution. Therefore, the law also limits the power of government and establishes a rule of law.


Therefore, the law is a powerful tool of the state through which it controls each and every aspect of society. The law determines the rights, duties and power of state organs and its citizens and promote social welfare and justice.

Read Also: What do you mean by law?

Anish Kumar Tiwari

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